Quantum Dark Arts Defense Training

 Be Certified as a Practitioner in Advanced Energy Management Techniques. Help Transition Lost Souls and be a Protector of the Light!

“Very possibly the most empowering and liberating advanced spiritual training you will ever undertake in your life”

I’m sure you’ve noticed the increase in turbulent energy we’ve been experiencing since transitioning through COVID-19. Destruction and fear based energy is unfortunately at an all time high in the collective and many empaths and intuitives are (rightly) strongly picking up on this. 

There’s an increase in the amount of spiritual and psychic disturbances, including denser energy attachments, mind control programmes and encounters with intrusive entities. All of which can be extremely draining for the person experiencing them and hold the illusion of being out of control and feeling disempowered. 

Health & vitality can be affected. Sleep can feel like a war zone. Inner peace and balance feels under attack. Addictions can manifest. While mental and emotional health becomes unstable.

When you’re not sovereign over your boundaries and energy, it’s easy to mistake spiritual activity as mental illness. When you don’t know that energy interference, possession, spiritual emergency, dark nights of the soul, black magic and psychic attack are REAL, then you’d be forgiven for thinking this was the stuff of movies.

Not believing in it does NOT make it untrue. For some of us in fact, it’s a very REAL rite of passage that we’ve chosen.

How do I know this for sure? Because I chose to experience it. Many times over…

This is not about fear. It’s about being sovereign. Becoming a Quantum Dark Arts Defense Practitioner is very possibly the most empowering and liberating advanced spiritual training you will ever undertake in your life.

And it’s not just focused on protection - what about the high frequency souls? There are many beautiful lost souls who’ve transitioned who are looking for our support right now. Wanting to find the light. There are also souls who are not consciously aware that they’ve transitioned we can help too.

Stepping forwards to become a Quantum Dark Arts Defense Practitioner is HUGE service and is so needed on Earth right now. You’ll be in service working alongside MANY benevolent Spirit helpers to keep humanity safe. You will be a protector of the light.

Contact Support@Ariellaindigo.com to register your interest in the Quantum Dark Arts Defense Training.  

Join 2 Master Teachers in this empowering online Quantum Dark Arts Defense practitioners training and  learn the skills you need to empower & protect yourself and others, so you can learn how to detect and release all kinds of energy - with and without consciousness. Become a Master of Energy and learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones whilst providing an invaluable service to your community.

Massive change is upon us all, and this work will be needed now and in the future more than it ever has been before

You’ll gain the key foundational knowledge you need to start and grow your spiritually based business, so you can achieve financial and soul freedom through doing something you LOVE whilst empowering yourself and others.  

Contact Support@Ariellaindigo.com to register your interest in the Quantum Dark Arts Defense Training.  

Here are some of the benefits you can access if you decide to join and become a certified Quantum Dark Arts Defense Practitioner:

  • Beyond the myths; appreciate with wisdom the complexity of intrusive energies and entities
  • Meet your Spirit Guide Specialist Team and build a close working partnership with them for all clearing work
  • Practical, confidence building, effective tools and strategies for every energy entity and eventuality
  • Discover the bonds that tie us and those that create vulnerability and open doorways within
  • Bring power and confidence to your remote work and deeper sensory experiences
  • Knowledge of all forms of intrusive energy. How, why and when they attach
  • Strategies for dealing with full possession cases and removal of stubborn, deeply imbedded, destructive or hooked in energy entities
  • Decipher between Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Emergency/Crisis with tools to aid both
  • Empower yourself and others with knowledge, effective tools, and ultimate mastery of how to clear, define, manage, nurture, awaken and vitalise the whole energy body system
  • Learn how to set up your spiritually based business to earn at least £10k in your first year as a Dark Arts Defense Practitioner!


MODULE ONE - Foundation & Insights:

Get the truth about what you need to know about energy & entities of ALL kinds and how it can affect us. Build strong foundations to set you up for success in the course.

MODULE TWO - Methods:

Learn clearing and release methods for all the different types of energies so you become a powerful protector of the light.

MODULE THREE - Emergence & Emergency:

Learn tips and strategy about how to work with clients who are awakening spiritually and how to detect when it topples into spiritual emergency.

MODULE FOUR - Integrity:

Be advised on how to build your spiritually based business with integrity, in a way that supports others and yourself.

PLUS, once you've completed the course and gained your certification, you unlock a special Bonus Training which will teach you everything you need to know about how to manage and clear cases of black magic and the darker arts...

Contact Support@Ariellaindigo.com to register your interest in the Quantum Dark Arts Defense Training.  

We are ALL affected by energy. And we all have the capacity to learn how to become Masters of energy, so that we can be empowered to step into our roles as Leaders, Protectors, Wayshowers and Guides for the New Earth which we are all co-creating.

This course will be a powerful addition for anyone who wants to increase their skill set as an Ascension Guide, Healer or Wayshower for others, or who works with energy in any way. 

And we won’t just be covering how to master your own energy or deal with energy from others. This is a deep dive into how to deal with the different energies we are ALL affected by, including off planet energies, and will teach you how to be a practitioner so that you can share these skills and tools with others too.

We’ll cover all the types of energies that can impact us, from intrusive energy, entities, and earthbound spirits, to Earth energies including geopathic and electromagnetic energies, as well as galactic, interdimensional and off planet energies. 

With the information, activations, tools and strategies contained within this course, you’ll be empowered to create or grow your spiritually based business through sharing these vital energy Mastery skills with others on their evolutionary journeys. 

And when you complete the course, you'll receive a professional certification and be able to work with clients sharing these empowering energy mastery techniques which will attract abundance to you easily.

Contact Support@Ariellaindigo.com to register your interest in the Quantum Dark Arts Defense Training.

If you want to deepen your understanding of energetic protection and learn crucial tools and techniques to detect and deal with all types of energy - but you also need practical, tangible skills and a proven spirit-based business model that will allow you to earn £10K minimum in your first year easily - then this opportunity is for you.  

As a second option: If you are unable to invest in the full course right now, then you can take our 4 week Advanced Energy Management and Protection course which will teach you how to use some of these tools for yourself and will cover energy management and protection techniques as well as dealing with intrusive energies and entities. Investment for the 4 week training course is just £222, reduced from £444, to make these vital tools and techniques as accessible as possible to as many people at this key time in humanity’s evolution. 

The 4 week Advanced Energy Management and Protection course is already included as a bonus in the certification training, which is a much deeper dive into how to deal with the different energies including off planet energies and will teach you how to be a practitioner so you can use these skills with others also.


Contact Support@Ariellaindigo.com to register your interest in the Quantum Dark Arts Defense Training.  

This information will be needed now and in the future more than ever. Share this opportunity with others that you think would benefit by sharing the link below:
